
ReliefWeb results


FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Zimbabwe

Mission Highlights This year, the combined impacts of adverse weather and severe economic constraints in Zimbabwe have induced hardship and food insecurity among both rural and urban populations, especially in areas where the current season's production losses are greatest.…


Rapid Environmental Assessment: Cyclones and flooding in Madagascar

Table of Contents Executive summary 1. Introduction Context The Madagascar cyclone season 2006-2007 This report 2. Assessment methodology 3. Assessment results a. Potential environmental emergencies b. Environmental concerns for the recovery phase 4. Recommendations Annex: Profile of Potential Environmental Risks Executive summary Madagascar experienced an exceptional number…


FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Swaziland

Mission Highlights - Prolonged dry spells and high temperature levels at critical stages of the maize crop development have decimated Swaziland's maize crop, resulting in the lowest annual harvest on record. - Maize production in 2006/07 is estimated at about 26…


FAST Update Ethiopia: Trends in conflict and cooperation Mar - Apr 2007

Trends in Conflict and Cooperation Security In the period under review the internal and border security of Ethiopia deteriorated. Armed Ethiopian opposition movements intensified their attacks within Ethiopia. In early March, the Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF) abducted five Britons and…


Kenya Short Rains Assessment Report (April 2007)

1.1.2 Access to Water The main water sources in the cluster are boreholes, shallow wells, dams, pans, rock catchments and rain water harvesting both for domestic and livestock use. Water accessibility has improved significantly as compared to…

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