
ReliefWeb results


IOM CCCM Updates, 15-21 September 2021

Relocation Satisfaction Survey – Nicavaco The aim of the data collection exercise was to: • Assess the overall satisfaction of IDPs that moved from a temporary to a relocation sites • Identify the major needs and gaps perceived by…

South Sudan

Tonj North Rapid Assessment: Warrap State, South Sudan, September 2021

Key Findings Insecurity has continued to drive large-scale displacement throughout 2021. This has prevented internally displaced persons (IDPs) from accessing their land throughout the cultivation cycle, and has resulted in populations converging upon Payam and Boma headquarters.…


Somalia: Assessment of Hard-to-Reach Areas (July 2021)

CONTEXT The humanitarian situation in Somalia has been worsened by a recent double climate disaster - drought in two thirds of the country and flooding in other areas - and the impact of political tensions, COVID-19 and…

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