
ReliefWeb results


Report of Sanma assessments in Penama Province, 20 - 25 March 2015

INTRODUCTION The SANMA Cluster Assessment Team would like to acknowledge SANMA PDCC Chairman SG SANMA and Sanma Emergency operation Team members for the trust in the team to carry this mission in Assisting PENAMA Provincial Government during Cyclone PAM.We appreciate…


Needs Assessment Mission to Pentecost Island, 18 March 2015

Introduction: The assessment team consisting of DARD, ADRA Vanuatu, and MOE conducted in Lonorore captured reports for central Pentecost and east Pentecost where some damage have been made by cyclone PAM. The aim of the initial rapid…


Shefa aerial asessment - 17 March 2015

INTRODUCTION Due to the severe impact of Cyclone Pam as experienced on Efate, the SHEFA Provincial Headquarter initiated an aerial assessment to assess the impact of the Cyclone Pam on the Shepherd Islands and the Efate Outer…

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