
This operation has been archived and is no longer being updated.  For the latest updates, please see: https://reliefweb.int/country/mdg

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WFP Madagascar Cyclone Response Update (As of 9 February 2022, 20:00 EAT)

Highlights • BNGRC situation update on 8 February 18:30 (temporary numbers): o 30 persons dead; o 94,149 people affected (19,499 households); o 59,680 people displaced across 99 communes; o 6,057 habitations destroyed, 1,488 habitations damaged, and 6,829 habitations flooded; o 885 classrooms…


Madagascar : Rapport de Situation Amoron’i Mania, Haute Matsiatra, Vatovivay Fitofivany - Cyclone Tropical Batsirai - 7 Février 2022

I. Analyse de la situation 1.1 Informations générales Le cyclone tropical Batsirai est un puissant cyclone tropical qui a frappé Madagascar début février 2022 premier cyclone tropical et premier cyclone tropical intense de la saison cyclonique 2021-22 du sud-ouest…

Madagascar + 1 more

Cyclone Batsirai hits Madagascar

Tropical cyclone Batsirai made landfall in Madagascar on 5 February, bringing devastating winds, rainfall and flooding to the Indian Ocean nation which is still struggling with the aftermath of a previous tropical storm, Ana. Initial reports…

News and Press Release
8 Feb 2022

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