
This operation has been archived and is no longer being updated.  For the latest updates, please see: https://reliefweb.int/country/mdg

ReliefWeb results


Madagascar Farmers Adapt to New Conditions as the Climate Crisis Worsens

By: Lawrence Dreyfuss Communications Officer Action Against Hunger Stéphane Rakotomalala for Action Against Hunger, Madagascar This Earth Day, we turn our eyes to Madagascar, where unprecedented drought has wreaked havoc for 37% of the country’s population for more than two years. “We have…

News and Press Release
Action Against Hunger
24 Apr 2022


Madagascar : La Banque mondiale s'engage à renforcer le plan de redressement post-cyclonique, la riposte à la pandémie et les secteurs de l’énergie et des transports

WASHINGTON, 18 avril 2022 — Le Gouvernement malgache et la Banque mondiale ont signé aujourd’hui deux projets récemment approuvés pour Madagascar, à hauteur de 534,9 millions de dollars. La signature a été précédée d’une rencontre avec…

News and Press Release
World Bank
19 Apr 2022


WFP Madagascar Cyclone Response Update (As of 15 April 2022)

Highlights WFP has assisted 372,040 people who have been affected by the recent tropical cyclones and storms that have hit Madagascar since January through its first round of general food and unconditional cash distributions. WFP has begun…

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