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Stratégie opérationnelle pour la distribution de l’eau par camions citernes - Groupe de Travail Camions Citernes, Cluster EAH Réponse Kéré ; Madagascar Draft V9.1 (22/06/2022)

STRATEGIE OPERATIONNELLE POUR LA DISTRIBUTION DE L’EAU PAR CAMIONS CITERNES Groupe de Travail Camions Citernes, Cluster EAH Réponse Kéré ; Madagascar Draft V9.1 (22/06/2022)

Contexte Madagascar a été particulièrement touchée par des sécheresses et des inondations exacerbées par le changement climatique et le phénomène El Nino. La crise de sécheresse prolongée dans le Sud a réduit la capacité d'adaptation de la…

Manual and Guideline
16 Aug 2022
Téléchargement  + 1 more

Madagascar + 4 more

Southern Africa Food Security Outlook, July 2022 to February 2023

Poor production amidst low purchasing power results in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse outcomes Key Messages The 2022 harvest improved food security outcomes across much of the region, particularly in surplus-producing areas of Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Madagascar,…


WFP Madagascar Country Brief, May 2022

In Numbers 608,861 beneficiaries reached with in-kind food assistance and 176,900 beneficiaries through cash transfers under WFP’s drought response in southern Madagascar in May 2022 335,810 people affected by cyclones reached through food and cash-based assistance Operational Updates –…


WFP Madagascar Country Brief, June 2022

In Numbers 721,428 beneficiaries reached with in-kind food assistance and 177,035 beneficiaries through cash transfers under WFP’s drought response in southern Madagascar in June 2022 206,815 people affected by cyclones reached through food and cash-based assistance US$ 81.0 million…

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