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Madagascar: Cyclone Season Flash Update No. 3, 20 January 2023

HIGHLIGHTS Tropical Storm Cheneso has left one child dead and one missing. Over 2,000 people have been affected, including 300 displaced. Local authorities are assisting people impacted by the storm. SITUATION OVERVIEW A 1-year-old child lost their life in Ambalamanasy, Andapa…


Madagascar: Cyclone Season Flash Update No. 2, 19 January 2023

HIGHLIGHTS Tropical Storm Cheneso made landfall north of Antalaha, on the north-eastern coast of Madagascar, in the morning of 19 January. Heavy rains and strong winds have been recorded in several locations, with Diana, Sava and Analanjirofo regions…


Madagascar: Cyclone Season Flash Update No. 1, 18 January 2023

HIGHLIGHTS • The tropical depression that formed in the Indian Ocean has strengthened into a tropical storm and been named Cheneso. • Tropical Storm Cheneso is projected to make landfall on the north-eastern coast of Madagascar on 19…


Madagascar Bulletin de suivi des prix - décembre 2022

Points saillants Le mois de décembre est à la fois un mois de soudure et un mois de consommation avec les festivités de la fin du mois, tant pour le Grand-Sud que pour le Grand-Sud-Est. La disponibilité…


Madagascar Crisis Response Plan 2023

Full report

IOM Vision IOM Madagascar works to ensure that migration to, from and within Madagascar is a choice, not a necessity. The Organization works closely with state actors, other UN agencies and non-profit organizations to provide direct assistance…


Humanitarian Action for Children 2023 - Madagascar

HIGHLIGHTS Epidemics, cyclones, floods and prolonged drought in the south exacerbated by climate change further compound systematic weakness in Madagascar. This has affected the lives and well-being of children and their families in 2022. UNICEF projects 4.8…


Madagascar Grand Sud & Grand Sud-Est: IPC analyse de l’insécurité alimentaire aiguë - novembre 2022 - octobre 2023 I Publié le 4 janvier 2023

Vue d’ensemble Un relèvement lent de la situation post-cyclonique est attendu pour les zones du Grand Sud-Est impactées par les cyclones Emnati et Batsirai de février 2022, du fait de la faiblesse voire l’inexistence des réponses en matière d’assistances alimentaires…

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