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Madagascar: Tropical Cyclone Freddy - DREF Application (MDRMG020)

Description of the Event What happened, where and when? The Intense Tropical Cyclone Freddy will make landfall on the eastern coast of Madagascar on Tuesday 21 February. The Mahanoro, Mananjary and Nosy Varita communes in western Madagascar will be…

Madagascar + 1 more

Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY, update (GDACS, Meteo France La Reunion, BNGRC, INAM, GloFAS) (ECHO Daily Flash of 23 February 2023)

Tropical Cyclone FREDDY passed over Vatovavy-Fitovinany, Haute Matsiatra, and northern Atsimo-Andrefana Regions (central-southern Madagascar) on 22 February, as a Tropical Storm. On 23 February at 6.00 UTC its centre was located over the Mozambique Channel approximately…

News and Press Release
23 Feb 2023

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