
ReliefWeb results


Baringo District: Drought Monthly Bulletin, May 2006

Situation Overview ENVIROMENTAL INDICATORS A total of 41mm rainfall was received during the month that made some impact on the grazing resources. Forage quality is fair though quantity is still insufficient. Water currently in use is Rivers, Traditional River wells, Pans and Dams,…


Narok District: Drought Monthly Bulletin, April 2006

SITUATION OVERVIEW Environmental indicators The rainfall amounts for the month of April were normal with good spatial distribution in the district There was good improvement in pasture availability and quality but below normal compared to a normal year Water situation remained good.…

Kenya + 3 more

FAO Horn of Africa: Regional Drought Response

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The drought affecting the Horn of Africa and the cumulative effect of successive years of poor rains, coupled in some cases with conflict and civil unrest, is threatening the livelihoods of 15 million people, mostly pastoralists who depend…


Kenya: Machakos district - Short rain assessment 2006, 09 - 11 Jan 2006

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Livelihood Zones (Lzs) And Populations Machakos District is divided into four primary livelihood zones namely. These are Mixed farming, Ranching (Mavoko), Formal and informal employment. However, mixed farming livelihood zone has been further subdivided into; Mixed farming: Coffee/dairy…

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