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Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) and Nutrion Assessment: Kenya High Density Urban Areas

RAPID URBANIZATION EXPOSES TOWN DWELLING KENYANS TO FOOD INSECURITY AND MALNUTRITION Food security analyses for developing countries have mainly focused on rural areas because factors underlying food insecurity and malnutrition such as poverty, low education on levels,…

FEWS NET, FAO, Govt. Kenya, WFP
6 Jul 2012


Kenya - Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) and Nutrition Assessment: High Density Urban Areas, May 2012

The objective of the KU-CFSVA was to analyze the food security, nutritional status and vulnerability of the urban population of Kenya, to provide baseline information to the policy-makers and practitioners, and to identify interventions. For the…

FEWS NET, FAO, Govt. Kenya, WFP
15 May 2012
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The 2011-2012 Short Rains Season Assessment Report

Kenya Food Security Steering Group (KFSSG) 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Scope of the October-December, 2011 short rains food security assessments The multi-sectoral 2011/12 short rains were conducted by a joint…

Kenya + 1 more

Rapid Assessment: Garissa District/Dadaab refugee camps

Key Messages The food security of refugees arriving in Dadaab camps remains precarious as evidenced by heightened rates of child malnutrition in the outskirts of Dagahaley camp. UNHCR’s preliminary survey results indicate Global and Severe Acute Malnutrition…


The 2011 Long Rains Season Assessment Report

1.1 Summary of Key findings Deterioration in food security across pastoral, agro-pastoral and marginal agricultural livelihoods An estimated 3.75 million persons in August 2011, up from 2.4 million in January 2011 require food and non-food assistance for…

Kenya + 1 more

Rapid assessment: Garissa District/Dadaab refugee camps

Key Messages • The food security of newly arriving refugees has improved over the last several weeks, after the establishment of reception centers providing food, water, sanitation and health services for refugees at the point of entry…


ACTED Assessment Fact Sheet - Marsabit County, Northern Kenya

Main objective Determine pastoral community vulnerability in Marsabit county with regards to the current drought focusing on Food Security, Nutrition/Health, Water access and sanitation conditions, migration patterns, and condition of livestock. Specific objectives • Determine most severely affected districts…


ACTED Assessment Fact Sheet - Mandera County - Northern Kenya

Main objective Determine pastoral community vulnerability in Mandera county with regards to the current drought focusing on Food Security, Nutrition/Health, Water access and sanitation conditions, migration patterns, and condition of livestock. Specific objectives • Determine most severely affected districts…

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