
ReliefWeb results


Kenya: Machakos district - Short rain assessment 2006, 09 - 11 Jan 2006

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Livelihood Zones (Lzs) And Populations Machakos District is divided into four primary livelihood zones namely. These are Mixed farming, Ranching (Mavoko), Formal and informal employment. However, mixed farming livelihood zone has been further subdivided into; Mixed farming: Coffee/dairy…


Kenya: Wajir district - Short rain assessment 2006, 13 - 16 Jan 2006

INTRODUCTION Wajir covers a total area of 56,501 km squared, consisting of 13 Divisions, 74 Locations and 88 Sub-locations, and a population of 407,000. The District is divided into five livelihood zones, pastoral camel, pastoral cattle, pastoral all species, agro-pstoral and…


Kenya: Kilifi district - Short rain assessment 2006, 09 - 11 Jan 2006

1.0 INTRODUCTION Kilifi District has a total area of 4,779.2 square Kilometres and a projected population of 640, 593, with the largest population found in at Kaloleni Division with about 231,889 people. The Districts is divided into eight administrative divisions, namely…

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