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Kenya: Rapid emergency shelter and livelihoods assessment

Post-election violence in the wake of Kenya's December 27, 2007 presidential election triggered a severe humanitarian crisis and displaced half a million people. Although security conditions have improved following the February 28 agreement between the Party of National Unity (PNU)…


Kenya Short Rains Assessment Report 2008

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background The Short Rains Assessment 2008 was conducted in February 2008 to determine the impact of the short rains season on the food security situation of arid and semi arid districts. Assessments were also conducted in the conflict-affected areas…


Communicable disease risk assessment and interventions - Post-election emergency: Kenya, Feb 2008

WHO/HSE/EPR/DCE/2008.1 Preface The purpose of this technical note is to provide health professionals in United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations, donor agencies and local authorities working with populations affected by emergencies with up-to-date technical guidance on the major communicable disease threats faced by…


Kenya: Rapid assessment of health situation and needs

Background Since the national election held on the 27th of December 2007, in Kenya there have been outbreaks of violence in many pockets across the country. The affected areas are Nairobi (especially high density population areas e.g. Kiberia), Rift Valley…

8 Jan 2008


Kenya Short Rains Assessment Report (April 2007)

1.1.2 Access to Water The main water sources in the cluster are boreholes, shallow wells, dams, pans, rock catchments and rain water harvesting both for domestic and livestock use. Water accessibility has improved significantly as compared to…

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