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October to December 2013 Short Rains Season Assessment Report

Executive summary Scope of the October-December, 2013 short rains assessment Food production is largely rainfall dependent in Kenya, making the assessments of the performance of the bimodal nature of rainfall on crops and livestock important. Basically, Kenya can be separated…


Marsabit Secondary Data Review - KIRA (December 2013)

Introduction This document is a baseline for humanitarian needs assessment in Marsabit with an aim to provide information that would aid in decision making. The information presented has been gathered through a review of pre-crisis secondary data,…


Samburu Secondary Data Review (November 2013)

Introduction This document is a baseline for humanitarian needs assessment in Samburu with an aim to provide information that would aid in decision making. The information presented has been gathered through a review of pre-crisis secondary data,…


Food Security Assessment Report, March 2013

1.0 Introduction The 2012 long and short rain seasons showed mixed results with the “long rains” season recording fewer rainy days compared to the “short rain” season. Moreover, the long rains was more erratic with some regions…


The 2012-2013 Short Rains Season Assessment Report

1.1 Scope of the October-December 2012 short rains food security assessments The 2012 October to December short rains assessments were carried out from January 28th to February 8th, 2013. The assessments were conducted under the auspices of…

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