Cartes / Infographies

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Indonesia Humanitarian Snapshot (November 2012)

Increased natural disaster events with the second highest impact on people since January 2012. Floods, landslides and whirlwinds claimed 22 fatalities and affected over 33,000 people. High disaster-impact ratio as disasters hit densely populated island. Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin Indonesia…


Indonesia Humanitarian Snapshot (October 2012)

Floods, landslides and whirlwinds continued to be recorded by the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) as the most frequent natural disasters occurred Indonesia Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin - Issue 10, 01 – 31 October 2012

Indonesia + 18 more

Pacific Region - El Niño average seasonal rainfall compared to long term seasonal average for 1979-2003, actual and relative (Sep-Oct-Nov | Dec-Jan-Feb)

Description: The maps opposite show rainfall patterns for Sep-Oct-Nov (southern hemisphere spring) and for Dec-Jan-Feb (southern hemisphere winter) generated from a merged analysis of precipitation from 1979 to 2003. The top row shows the average daily rainfall that…


Indonesia Humanitarian Snapshot (August 2012)

The number of people affected by natural disasters in August was the second-highest of 2012. Floods, landslides and a 6.3 magnitude earthquake caused 28 fatalities and a affected over 10,000 people. Link:Indonesia Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin - Issue 08, 01…

Indonesia + 23 more

Pacific Region - Historical storm tracks for the months Nov-Apr for 1956-2009 for different ENSO conditions South Pacific Tropical Cyclone Season (Nov-Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar-Apr )

Description: The maps show historical storm tracks from 1956-2009 for the months of the southern hemisphere cyclone season (Nov-Apr). Storms that formed during El Niño, La Niña and ENSO Neutral conditions are differentiated to reveal patterns which…


Humanitarian Bulletin Indonesia Issue 05, 01 – 31 May 2012

HIGHLIGHTS The number of natural disaster incidents in May was the lowest since January 2012. Floods and landslides affected the highest number of people – 1,645. Two volcanoes experienced increased activity, bringing to four the number of volcanoes classified…

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