Cartes / Infographies

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M7.6 Irian Jaya, Indonesia Earthquake of 10 October 2002

DISCUSSION The earthquake occurred in a five-hundred kilometer wide diffuse plate boundary that accommodates the westerly motion of the Philippine and Caroline plates with respect to the Australian plate. The preliminary epicenter is situated near the northwest- striking…


Indonesia: IDP Source and Recipient Regions, 26 Jul 2002

Total IDPs = 1,396,565. 17,143 fewer than June 10, 2002. Numbers in ( ) represent change since June 10, 2002. Note: While WFP strives for accuracy, knowledge of IDP numbers for many areas is impeded by initial registration overcounts and/or lack…


Indonesia: IDP Source and Recipient Regions, 10 Jun 2002

Total IDPs = 1,413,709 17,973 more than April 24, 2002. Numbers in ( ) represent change since April 24, 2002. Note: While WFP strives for accuracy, knowledge of IDP numbers for many areas is impeded by initial registration overcounts and/or lack of…

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