Cartes / Infographies

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Indonesia: Papua (Irian Jaya) - Planning map

Data Sources: USGS Digital Atlas for the Pacific - 2001 Population Density information from the LandScan Global Population 1998 Database. Natural Resources Information: Indonesian National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping - 1980 National Geographic - 1996 Ethno-linguistic Map: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency…


Indonesia: Update on Humanitarian Crisis in Aceh (Unofficial) 19 May - 17 June

Map Created by OCHA - Jakarta (17 Jun) Data Source : 1. Burnt Schools : Education Office of Aceh Province 2. IDPs : Crisis Centre, Health Office of Aceh Province, compiled by WHO Aceh District Indicator Previous Data (11 June) Latest Data   (15 June) Movement HHs IDPs HHs IDPs HHs IDPs Aceh Tenggara DOWN 197 788 14 57 -183 -731 Aceh…

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