Cartes / Infographies

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Local NGOs Sectoral Activities in Afghanistan

Map set includes 15 sectors: Agriculture & Food Security, Commerce & Industry, Community Development, Culture & Media, Education, Food Aid, Governance & Civil Society, Health & Social Welfare, Human Rights/Rule of Law, Infrastructure and Transport, mine Action, Non Food Items,…


United Nations Sectoral Activities in Afghanistan

Map set includes 15 sectors: Agriculture & Food Security, Commerce & Industry, Community Development, Culture & Media, Education, Food Aid, Governance & Civil Society, Health & Social Welfare, Human Rights/Rule of Law, Infrastructure and Transport, mine Action, Non Food Items,…


Indonesia: IDP Source and Recipient Regions, 10 Jun 2002

Total IDPs = 1,413,709 17,973 more than April 24, 2002. Numbers in ( ) represent change since April 24, 2002. Note: While WFP strives for accuracy, knowledge of IDP numbers for many areas is impeded by initial registration overcounts and/or lack of…


Afghanistan: IDP Returns - 31 May 2002

2 Jan 02 IDP Total: 947,121 IOM Reported Spontaneous Returns since 1 Jan 02: 240,000 IOM Reported Assisted Returns since 1 Jan 02: 160,000+ Estimated Total IDP Returns since 1 Jan 02: 400,000 + Estimated Remaining IDPs: 547,000+/-

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