
ReliefWeb results


Children in conflict: Afghanistan

Assessment of CCF's emergency entry program into Afghanistan, its impact on child well-being and protection Foreword Protection is an increasingly prominent priority for the humanitarian community. However, despite this development, child protection remains a low priority in most emergencies. The gap…


A new start for Afghanistan's education sector

South Asia Department Principal Author: Jouko Sarvi Supervisors: Frank Polman, Edward Haugh Coordinator: Craig Steffensen Contents INTRODUCTION Current Situation in the Education Sector Overview Supply of Education Demand for Education Strategy and Priorities SUBSECTOR PERSPECTIVES Primary Education Indicators Institutional and Physical Infrastructure Human Resources Priorities and Sequencing Secondary Education Indicators Institutional and Physical Infrastructure Human Resources Policy Environment Priorities and…

Afghanistan + 28 more

FAO/GIEWS Foodcrops and Shortages No. 1/2003

CROP AND FOOD SUPPLY SITUATION OVERVIEW As of March 2003, the number of countries facing serious food shortages throughout the world stands at 38, with 25 in Africa, 6 in Asia, 5 in Latin America and 2 in Europe.…


Philippines: Social assessment of conflict-affected areas in Mindanao

Overview Objectives of the Social Assessments THIS PUBLICATION highlights a number of findings from a social assessment of selected Mindanao communities. The Social Assessment was supported by the Post-Conflict Fund of the World Bank. It surveyed selected communities in Basilan, Sulu,…


USDA: Afghanistan - Heavy rains arrive but more needed

Heavy rain and snow fell from February 14 through February 17, 2003 providing widespread relief to Afghanistan and causing flooding in some areas. Additional rainfall this past week was concentrated in the northeast portion of the…

Govt. USA
27 Feb 2003

Afghanistan + 35 more

FAO/GIEWS Food Outlook No. 1, 2003

Highlights Global cereal output in 2002 is estimated at 1 838 million tonnes, slightly up from the forecast in December, but still 3.3 percent down from the previous year. However, given the expected expansion in cereal utilization in 2002/03, world…

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

DPR Korea: Nutrition Assessment 2002

In 2002, the Government of the D.P.R. Korea, in co-operation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP), carried out a nutrition assessment in seven provinces and three cities. Fieldwork for the assessment was…

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