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Linking relief, rehabilitation and development programme (LRRD) in Afghanistan: From the spreading of the Pakistani architecture to the urban expansion of Kabul into the surrounding hills, what will Kaboul look like in the near future?

Whilst Kabul's population is increasing on a daily basis, local officials seem unable to move ahead with the process of reconstruction. Authorities are unable to assume their responsibility and address urgent issues such as housing for the poor, water…

Groupe URD
31 Jul 2006

Indonesia + 11 more

South Asia: Funding the tsunami response - A synthesis of findings

By Michael Flint and Hugh Goyder Executive summary This is a synthesis evaluation covering the international community's funding of the relief response to the tsunami of December 2004.(1) It is one of five similar thematic evaluations commissioned by the Tsunami Evaluation…

Indonesia + 3 more

South Asia: The role of needs assessment in the tsunami response

Executive summary The tsunami struck the Indian Ocean region on 26 December 2004. In the 14 affected countries, over 225,000 people died or are still missing. Overall, an estimated two million people have been directly or indirectly affected, and 1.7…

Indonesia + 3 more

South Asia: Coordination of international humanitarian assistance in tsunami-affected countries

By Jon Bennett (principal author), William Bertrand, Clare Harkin, Stanley Samarasinghe, Hemantha Wickramatillake Published by the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC) Executive summary Introduction Evaluating the coordination of humanitarian actors within the response to the tsunami of December 2004 provides an opportunity to reflect…

Sri Lanka + 3 more

South Asia: Impact of the tsunami response on local and national capacities

By Elisabeth Scheper, Arjuna Parakrama, Smruti Patel with contributions from Tony Vaux Published by the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC) Executive summary Introduction The Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC) initiated five parallel evaluations of the international response to the tsunami, of which this is one.…

Yemen + 12 more

South Asia: Joint evaluation of the international response to the Indian Ocean tsunami - Synthesis Report

By John Telford and John Cosgrave Contributing author: Rachel Houghton Executive summary 1 The report This report synthesises the five Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC) thematic evaluation reports, their sub-studies and other materials relating to the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamis of 26 December…

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