
ReliefWeb results


Community perceptions of the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Insights from round 4 of the National COVID-19 Community Survey (NCCS) – October 2020

Than Zaw Oo, Isabel Lambrecht, Derek Headey, and Sophie Goudet Introduction To continue monitoring the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on Myanmar’s diverse rural and urban communities, a multi-round large-scale community telephone survey is being…


Household Emergency Assessment Tool (HEAT) Afghanistan - November 2020

Overview The Household Emergency Assessment Tool (HEAT) is a standardised emergency assessment tool adopted by the Afghanistan Humanitarian Country Team, and includes indicators illustrating demographics and a household’s vulnerability in the following sectors: food security, shelter, water,…

Viet Nam

Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Assessment for Irrigation in Southern Viet Nam: Water Efficiency Improvement in Drought-Affected Provinces (December 2020)

Executive Summary This report presents the results and findings of the climate risk and adaptation assessment (CRA) of the Water Efficiency Improvement in Drought-Affected Provinces (WEIDAP) project in Viet Nam. The assessment was done during the project…

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