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UNICEF Angola Humanitarian Situation Report - 31 July 2016

Highlights An estimated 1.42 million people are affected (including 756,000 children) by the drought, including 800,000 people food insecure in the provinces of Cunene, Namibe and Huila. There are an estimated 95,877 Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) caseloads…

Angola + 1 more

Situation Report Yellow Fever, 5 August 2016

SUMMARY  In Angola, as of 28 July 2016 a total of 3818 suspected cases have been reported, of which 879 are laboratory confirmed. The total number of reported deaths is 369, of which 119 were reported…

Angola + 1 more

Palais press briefing notes on breastfeeding and yellow fever 29 July 2016

Palais press briefing notes 29 July 2016 Briefer: Fadéla Chaib, WHO Spokesperson With UNICEF, WHO recommend babies are fed nothing but breast milk for their first 6 months of life, after which they should continue breastfeeding – as…

News and Press Release
29 Jul 2016

Angola + 2 more

Emergency Grant Aid in response to Yellow Fever Outbreak

On July 29, the Government of Japan decided to extend Emergency Grant Aid of 3.5 million US dollars to the Republic of Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo through World Health Organization (WHO), International…

News and Press Release
Govt. Japan
29 Jul 2016

Angola + 11 more

Situation Report Yellow Fever, 28 July 2016

SUMMARY  In Angola, as of 21 July 2016 a total of 3748 suspected cases have been reported, of which 879 are confirmed. The total number of reported deaths is 364, of which 119 were reported among…

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