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Angola + 1 more

Angola: Inter-Agency Operational Update (4 December 2017)

1,757 individuals, 424 households, were successfully relocated to Lóvua. They received tents and moved to allocated plots. 5,907 persons are currently living in Lóvua. 32 unaccompanied and separated children were relocated to Lóvua settlement. They will be…

Angola + 1 more

Angola: Inter-Agency Operational Update (19 January 2018)

Bilateral discussions between the Angolan and DRC governments on repatriation of Congolese refugees living in Lunda Norte Province was announced on the news. 12,050 refugee children that fall under the standard education age group from primary to…

Angola + 1 more

UNFPA Angola Situation Report #2, January 2018

Situation overview Thousands of families fled from the conflict in in Kasai in DR Congo to Lunda Norte province northeast in Angola at the beginning of 2017, and 35,085 people have been registered as refugees. More than…

Angola + 1 more

Humanitarian Action for Children 2018 - Angola

Angola Southern Angola is experiencing a chronic nutrition crisis stemming from the combined impacts of economic shock, limited rainfall and the deteriorating quality of basic services. Access to water remains limited, with two thirds of water points…


World Report 2018 - Angola: Events of 2017 [EN/PT]

English version

Angola elected a new president, João Lourenço, in September, ending almost four decades of José Eduardo Dos Santos’ repressive rule. Voting was peaceful, but marred by severe restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly, and limited…

Angola + 1 more

UNICEF Year-end Humanitarian Situation Report January - December 2017

Highlights UNICEF and partners screened 189,305 children for malnutrition, of whom 24,923 children were identified with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and admitted for treatment. 284,184 people were reached with safe water through water trucking, piped water and water…

Angola + 1 more

Women-friendly spaces offer safe haven for Congolese refugees in Angola

LOVUA, Angola – In a simple white tent in the Lóvua refugee settlement in Angola, women and girls who fled the brutal conflict in Kasai, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, can find safe haven…

News and Press Release
15 Jan 2018

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