
ReliefWeb results


FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Angola

Mission Highlights Rainfall was the main determinant for Angola's crop production in 2005/06, with much of the country experiencing excessive rains and/or longer dry spells than usual. With the recent re-settlement trend in former agricultural areas, there was a small…


Angola: Four years of recovery

It is four years since the Angolan conflict came to an end with the signing of a peace agreement on April 4th 2002. Angola became an independent nation on November 11 1975, upon the withdrawal of the Portuguese colonial…

4 Apr 2006

Angola + 35 more

FAO/GIEWS Foodcrops and Shortages No. 2/2005

AFRICA: In eastern Africa, heavy rains and floods have caused loss of life and destroyed crops and infrastructure in several countries. However, prospects for current crops have improved. In southern Africa, cereal import requirements in 2005/06 (excluding South Africa) are…

Angola + 32 more

FAO/GIEWS Foodcrops and Shortages No. 1/2005

AFRICA: In eastern Africa, the food situation in Eritrea is of serious concern. Successive years of inadequate rains have seriously undermined crop and livestock production. A below average harvest is also estimated for Sudan due to conflict and drought. By…


FAST Update Angola: Semi-Annual Risk Assessment Jun-Nov 2004

Risk Assessment: Since July, the Country Stability curve appears to re-approach the high level constantly featured throughout 2003, following slight fluctuations since February. Relative Government Direct Actions remain on a low level, mirroring Country Stability fluctuations. As referred…

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