Zimbabwe Cash and Market Working Group

A national Cash and Market Working Group has been active in Zimbabwe since 2017. The working group supports humanitarian and development actors to undertake market analysis, response analysis, harmonisation of cash transfer amounts and to ensure a coordinated response.

This page will provide contact details for the focal points and share relevant documents developed by the group.


Deborah Gourlay - Co Chair of Zimbabwe CWG - WFP-  debbie.gourlay@wfp.org

Abel Simbarashe Whande Co Chair of Zimbabwe CWG - Care- abelWh@carezimbabwe.org

Darias Sanyatwe  CashCap Adviser to the CWG - Hosted by Care - cashcapzimbabwe@gmail.com

Zimbabwe CWG mailing list 

to join the mailing list and to see all past email chains please go to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cwgzimbabwe or send an email to cwgzimbabwe+subscribe@googlegroups.com 

Regional Southern Africa Technical Cash Working Group (SARTCWG)

Thomas Byrnes   - Interagency CashCap Coordinator to SARTCWG - CashCap - hosted by UNICEF - thomas.byrnes@nrc.no

Charles Inwani   - Interim Chair of SARTCWG - WFP - Regional Program Policy Adviser –SP & Cash-Based Transfers - charles.inwani@wfp.org

Maxwell Sibhensana   - Co-lead of SARTCWG - World Vison International - Regional SP/Cash lead - maxwell_sibhensana@wvi.org,

SARTCWG mailing list 

to join the mailing list and to see all past email chains please go  https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sartcwg/join

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