Humanitarian Financing

Yemen Humanitarian Pooled Fund

The Yemen Humanitarian Pooled Fund (HPF) formerly known as “Emergency Response Fund", is aligned to support the delivery of strategic humanitarian response identified under Humanitarian Response Plan while retaining the flexibility to allocate funds to unforeseen events or special requirements. The HPF provides funding to needs-based priority sectors and geographic areas, and has the following main objectives:

1. Support life-saving and life-sustaining activities while filling critical funding gaps;

2. Promote needs-based assistance in accordance with humanitarian principles;

3. Strengthen coordination and leadership primarily through the function of the HC and by leveraging the cluster system;

4. Improve the relevance and coherence of humanitarian response by strategically funding priorities as identified under the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP);

5. Expand the delivery of assistance in hard-to-reach areas by partnering with national and international NGOs.

The Yemen HPF aims to ensure that humanitarian needs are addressed in a collaborative manner, fostering cooperation and coordination within and between clusters and humanitarian organizations. As such, the HPF contributes to improving needs assessments, enhancing the HRP as the strategic planning document for humanitarian action, strengthening coordination mechanisms, in particular the cluster system, and improving accountability through an enhanced monitoring and reporting framework.

Interventions supported by the HPF are to be consistent with the core humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.

The HPF is managed by OCHA on behalf of the Humanitarian Coordinator with the support of an Advisory Board. The Advisory Board provides general policy and strategy guidance on the overall HPF process and priorities. Members of the HPF Advisory Board include the donors to the fund, representatives of national and international NGOs and UN agencies.

The Yemen Humanitarian Pooled Fund is managed based on the global Guidelines for Country-based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) that can be found at . The YHPF Operational Manual guides the implementation of the Fund.

Partner registration and funding applications are submitted through the Grant Management System (GMS).