Prevention of sexual exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Taskforce

The South Sudan PSEA Taskforce was established in 2007 and revitalized in 2016 as system-wide coordination body, under the leadership of the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General/ Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator (DSRSG/RC/HC), supported by two rotational cochairs and a dedicated inter-agency PSEA Coordinator paid for through local cost-sharing by the UNCT. The current Co-chairs are WHO and IOM (2024). Previous Co-chairs were UNHCR and WHO (2023).  WFP and UNHCR (2022); UNOPS and WFP (2021); UNICEF and UNOPS (2020); UN Women and UNICEF (2019); and UNFPA and UN Women (2017 – 2019).


The PSEA Taskforce operates an integrated humanitarian, development and peace keeping context, and includes UN agencies, funds and programmes, the UN Mission in South Sudan, and all other categories of institutions and entities having direct cooperative and or contractual arrangements with the UN such as international and national NGOs, partners, and service providers. The Taskforce established fifteen (15) field-level PSEA Taskforces, with specific terms of reference for oversight to CBCMs in priority risk locations where service providers and aid organizations are present. By end of June 2024, there were CBCMs in- Aweil, Bentiu, Bor, Jamjang, Juba, Kuajok, Maban, Malakal, Mingkaman, Pibor, Rumbek, Renk, Torit, Yambio, Yei, Wau.

Key Documents

ReliefWeb results

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ReliefWeb results

South Sudan

National Task Force on Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Advisory Note on handling allegations of staff members and affiliated personnel participating in “child booking” in South Sudan

I. Introduction This note is meant to be used by all UN and non-UN entities working in South Sudan to handle allegation of staff and affiliated personnel participating in “child booking”. By virtue of their employment, staff…

Manual and Guideline
11 Jul 2024
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