Communication and Community Engagement Working Group (CCEWG)
Background of CCE Working Group
The CCE Working group was first established in 2014 as the ‘Communicating with Communities’ (CWC) working group, in keeping with a global humanitarian commitment towards accountability to affected populations (IASC, 2012). In 2018 the group was re-established as the Communication and Community Engagement working group (CCE WG), following a regional CWC conference in Nairobi. This reflected a progression of the humanitarian agenda from ensuring transparency in humanitarian decision-making towards ‘a participation revolution; involving people receiving aid in making the decisions which affect their lives’ (Grand Bargain, 2016).
Context of CCE Working Group 2020
The Communication and Community Engagement Working Group works in coordination with the Inter-cluster Coordination Group, providing a forum for the clusters to engage in strategic, collective review of communities’ perceptions of humanitarian aid delivery against the key intersectoral and cluster objectives and adjust the response as needed. The platform also works with partners for assessing and monitoring of community perception on humanitarian assistance through the CCCM satisfaction surveys in the PoC sites and other existing assessment modalities. The Communication and Community Engagement Working Group keeps exploring how best to utilize collated intersectoral and cluster-level AAP data for continued review of the clusters’ progress in delivering humanitarian aid. Through contributions of members with relevant technical expertise, the CCE Working Group works to inform communities’ prioritization of needs to inform technical and strategic decision-making.
The sector wide shift towards finding durable solutions for people affected by disaster in South Sudan requires the CCE Working Group to actively integrate and harmonize community engagement practices across all humanitarian clusters and working groups. It is the conviction of the CCE Working Group that only with a foundation of comprehensive communication and community engagement, will durable solutions to returns, resettlement and integration be achieved.
AAP Interactive Dashboard
Our Goal
- To ensure communities can provide feedback to relevant decision-makers on their issues and concerns that can be synthesized, analyzed and openly shared across programs and agencies
- To improve communities’ access to information about how and why relief is delivered, and the support that is available to them
- To close the information loop, by informing affected communities about how their feedback has been used to address concerns and unmet needs
Chair and Leadership
The CCE working group is an open membership group for the humanitarian community, where NNGOs, INGOs and UN agencies can come together to contribute to best practices on CCE. Members will actively invite and encourage both International and National NGOs to join the WG. The WG will be led by a Chair (IOM), with the CCCM Cluster and Internews as co-chairs. The membership will agree a strategy for inviting new members, in particular NNGOs, on a bi-annual basis. The Chair and co-Chair will be mid-level or senior staff who bring requisite experience, knowledge, and decision-making influence to the table. The terms of reference for the CCE WG will be revised on a bi-annual basis.
- Ensuring that CCE WG decisions are captured in the minutes appropriately.
- Being responsible for ensuring the WG liaises with the overall cluster system in South Sudan and will themselves work in particular with the Inter-Cluster Working Group (ICWG).
- Resourcing WG activities is the shared responsibility of all group members
CCE Coordination Structure
CCCM Cluster and Internews
REACH, Internews, ADRA, WHH, War Child NL, Solidarités International, DRC, ACTED, SCI, WVI, HI, NRC, CSRF, UNOCHA, UNHCR, IOM, WFP, UNICEF.
As well as ICCG Clusters.
Health Link South Sudan (HLSS), Rural Development Action Aid (RDAA), Hold the Child, Green Jinub Development Organisation, Water for South Sudan, Peace Corps Organization (PCO-SS), Hope Restoration South Sudan (HRSS), Nile Hope, Near East Foundation.
Meetings and Secretariat
Meetings take place monthly, or as called upon by the Chair/co-Chairs and supported by the Secretariat. CCEWG members are welcome to invite guests to the meetings. Emergency meetings may be held on an ad hoc basis, if decided by the chair or co-chair and can be requested by any member of the WG. The Secretariat will help organize meetings (invitations, booking rooms, etc.), and take the minutes in collaboration with Chair and co-Chairs. To do so, the secretary maintains the membership records, with updated membership list.
Due to COVID-19 response in South Sudan, the CCE Working Group is an active member of the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Technical Working Group (RCCE TWG). The CCE Working Group co-leads with UNICEF the Rumor Tracking sub-working group, ensuring rumor analysis and community feedback prevents misinformation throughout the pandemic response in the country. Meetings take place on a weekly basis, all partners involved in community engagement and feedback are welcome to join.
ReliefWeb results
South Sudan
Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) Strategy for South Sudan

BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE In the context of South Sudan, accountability to affected populations (AAP) remains of paramount importance to the overall humanitarian response, propelled by the twin operational responsibilities to promote a rights-based approach and to improve aid effectiveness…
Key Documents
AAP Brief - REACH - Community Perceptions in South Sudan (2022)
AAP Brief - REACH - Report and executive summary with recommendations (2020)
Community Engagement and Inter-Agency Collaboration across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus in South Sudan - CSRF (2023)
Cellular network coverage maps
Trends in communication preferences and modalities
Ad Hoc Assessments
Latest Updates
ReliefWeb results
South Sudan
South Sudan - Intersectoral Needs Assessment (ISNA) August - October 2024

At the request of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) and with the support of South Sudan’s Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC), and under the mandate and coordination of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of…
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Latest Meeting Minutes
ReliefWeb results
South Sudan
South Sudan Communication and Community Engagement Working Group (CCEWG) - Meeting Minutes, 13 September 2023

Please see the attached infographic.