Somalia Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Technical Working Group

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

mental health and psychosocial support graphic

Under the leadership of the World Health Organization, the Somali Health Cluster has established the MHPSS TWG. 

In addition to clusters or sectors, there are also cross-cutting technical areas of work that do not easily ‘fit’ within a single area of humanitarian action. MHPSS is included among these areas because effectively supporting the mental health and psychosocial well-being of affected communities requires integrated and cross-sectoral approaches that include diverse actors (e.g., nutrition, education, health, protection, WASH). MHPSS therefore ‘cuts across’ multiple areas of action. MHPSS has to be emphasized within sectors while also ensuring coordination across them.

Country-level MHPSS TWGs are groups that work across the sectors at country-level to promote and support a coordinated MHPSS response. MHPSS TWGs are unique multisectoral platforms that bring together actors to coordinate more effective delivery of integrated MHPSS.

The MHPSS TWG Somalia has several core functions among those are:

  • Provide technical support to all actors who are involved in MHPSS activities
  • Support clusters, AoR and TWG with technical inputs and mainstreaming MHPSS into different sectors
  • Support and provide trainings related to MHPSS topics
  • Facilitate regular MHPSS TWG meetings to support coordination between MHPSS actors
  • Share and mainstream important resources such as trainings, manuals, guidelines and/ or policy briefs relate to MHPSS
  • Support the Department of Mental Health and Substance abuse of the MoH Somalia 
  • Update and maintain 4W information of MHPSS activities
  • Support and contribute clusters, AoR, TWG and partners in MHPSS assessments
  • Contribute to integrate MHPSS in the overall humanitarian response plan

MHPSS TWG Meeting Minutes

ReliefWeb results

View all updates


Abdikafi Abdullahi Mohamud 

MHPSS TWG Coordinator


Dr. Zeynab Ahmed Noor

Head of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Section

Ministry of Health & Human Services- Federal Government of Somalia


CHUKWUMA, Friday Uchechi

MHPSS Specialist