Knowledge Products
ReliefWeb results
Philippines Flagship Initiative Knowledge Product - Empowering local solutions: Community-driven Anticipatory Action for resilience in the Philippines (October 2024)
In the Philippines, communities are often the first responders when disasters strike. Many of these communities, particularly in coastal and rural areas, have practiced their own anticipatory actions for generations, rooted in local knowledge and collective…
ReliefWeb results
Philippines Flagship Initiative Knowledge Product - Cash from the ground up: Community cash grants in the Philippines (October 2024)
The Philippines faces a complex landscape of recurring hazards such as tropical cyclones, flooding, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, and was identified as the most disaster-affected country in the world in the 2023 World Risk Report. Some…
ReliefWeb results
Philippines: Flagship Initiative Knowledge Product: Listen, Discover and Enhance-An Emerging Framework for Community Engagement
Introduction and problem statement ERC Flagship Initiative’s theory of change posits that when communities in all their diversity, are empowered and actively participate in the design, operationalization, and learning of shockprevention, response, and recovery systems, and when…
ReliefWeb results
Philippines: Flagship Initiative Knowledge Product: Gender and Intersectionality at the center
Introduction and problem statement “The Flagship initiative aspires to connect the voices of disaster survivors who possess inherent capacities, strength and resolve to be resilient. What we are learning in our community conversations in the Philippines is…
ReliefWeb results
Philippines: Flagship Initiative Knowledge Product: Community Organization in Tacloban City
Introduction This case analysis explores different living conditions and levels of community involvement between residents of permanent shelters in Tacloban City. The devastating impact of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in 2013 necessitated urgent shelter and permanent housing solutions…