Ethiopia Cash Working Group



The Ethiopia Cash Working Group (ECWG) is a forum of technical professionals dedicated to enhancing the quality of CVA. The CWGs support includes both technical functions that focus on process (such as sharing lessons learnt, harmonising approaches to delivering cash, developing guidelines) and strategic functions that focus more on results and impact (such as avoiding gaps and duplications, advocacy to promote appropriate cash and voucher assistance and influence policy).

The ECWG serves as an inter-agency and inter-sectoral platform providing strategic and technical support on cash programming across sectors and clusters, social-protection mechanisms and development and resilience-based response. All through enhanced joint response approaches, prioritising the key pillars:

  1. Area-based Approaches to Coordination
  2. Inclusive and Participatory Approaches
  3. Evidence-based Planning and Implementation

The overall Ethiopia CWG Objective is to support efficient and effective planning, implementation, and delivery of CVA in Ethiopia under the overall strategic and programmatic direction outlined by ICCG/HCT in HRP, Refugee Response Plan, and by Government of Ethiopia (GoE) leadership.

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