Regional Committee for Disaster Management in West Africa (GECEAO)

About us

The Regional Committee for Disaster Management in West Africa (known as GECEAO) was official formed in 2009 with a general objective of promoting better disaster management in West Africa and seven other objectives that guide our work.

Members of the Regional Committee

It is composed of one representative from each of the ECOWAS Member State plus Mauritania and one representative of each Red Cross/Red Crescent National Society (16 + 16).

Frequency of meetings

Members of the Regional Committee will meet annually during the second quarter of the year.


On a bi-annual rotational basis, one member of the ECOWAS countries is elected to chair the committee. He/she has the responsibility to coordinate and facilitate the agenda for the next consultation.

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Terms of Reference: CADRI Partnership in West and Central Africa

Background The Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) is a partnership composed of 6 UN agencies (FAO, UNDP, UNICEF, OCHA, WFP and WHO) and 6 observers (IFRC, UNESCO, UNITAR, UNOPS, WB/GFDRR and WMO). The CADRI partnership was…

Manual and Guideline
21 Dec 2016


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