Gender in Humanitarian Action Community of Practice

About Gender in Humanitarian Action Community of Practice (GIHA COP) in the Philippines

The Gender in Humanitarian Action Community of Practice (GIHA COP) in the Philippines brings together gender and sectoral experts from government agencies, international, national and local organizations to support the Philippine Government’s implementation of a more gender-responsive and inclusive humanitarian action, disaster risk reduction and resilience-building. Specifically, the GIHA COP has the following objectives:

  1. Advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (GEEWG) within the HCT, working together with key groups such as the Protection Cluster, Gender-based Violence (GBV) sub-cluster, all cluster gender focal points (GFPs) and the subnational GIHA working groups;
  2. Ensure the inclusion of the minimum standards for GEEWG in humanitarian responses, particularly the following:
  3. Facilitating the equitable input, meaningful participation and active leadership of women, girls, men and boys throughout the programme cycle;
  4. Facilitating the collection, analysis and application of sex-, age- and disability- disaggregated data in programme planning and monitoring; and
  5. Facilitate inclusive access to services for all including marginalized populations: adolescents; people with disabilities; indigenous peoples; single heads of households; LGBTQI+ individuals; and older men and women;
  6. Promote localization of humanitarian action by advancing the involvement of local CSOs in clusters, particularly local women’s rights, women-led, women-focused and other diverse organizations;
  7. Support capacity development of government agencies, clusters and member organizations and any requesting entities in gender equality and empowerment of women and girls in humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction;
  8. Facilitate resource mobilization on gender-focused initiatives for local organizations, particularly women’s rights, women-led, women-focused and other diverse organizations working in humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction;
  9. Actively participate and contribute in coordination meetings such as the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), various technical working group (TWG) meetings, and ad-hoc meetings as required;
  10. Serve as a knowledge exchange platform for agencies and organizations in the Philippines.

Learn more about the GIHA COP Philippines’ through its Terms of Reference.

ReliefWeb results

WE Respond: Gender Responsive Organizations Dashboard

Gender Responsive Organizations Dashboard

WE Respond Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of Women and Girl-Focused Organizations (WGFOs) across the Asia-Pacific region. It includes information on their presence, activities, and capacity in gender-focused humanitarian efforts. The dashboard helps in identifying service gaps, monitoring the distribution of WGFOs, and understanding their contributions at various levels, from local to regional. It is a tool for enhancing coordination, identifying needs, and promoting the participation of WGFOs in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery processes. 

Organizations that would like to join the dashboard can register through this form.

Latest updates

ReliefWeb results


Gender and Inclusion Alert No. 1: Philippines Tropical Cyclones Trami, Kong-Rey, Yinxing and Toraji - 13 November 2024

This inter-agency Gender Alert outlines the primary issues impacting women, men, girls, boys, and non-binary individuals in all their diverse and intersecting identities following TC Trami/STS Kristine) and the succeeding typhoons (TC Kong-rey/STY Leon, TC Yinxing/TY…

Situation Report
Asia-Pacific AAP & PSEA Working Group, Philippine GiHA WG
13 Nov 2024


Pre-Crisis Gender Brief | Philippines (Version 1 - January 2024)

INTRODUCTION This brief, a collaborative effort by the Philippines Gender in Humanitarian Action Community of Practice (GIHA COP), the Asia-Pacific Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group (AP GIHA WG), and the Asia-Pacific Gender-based Violence in Emergencies Working…

AP GiHA WG, GBV AoR, Philippine GiHA WG
9 Feb 2024
View all updates



Lenlen Mesina and  

Rhoda Avila


Camille Adle

Jeanette Dulawan