Respuesta COVID-19 2020
COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plans
ReliefWeb results
World + 43 more
Global Humanitarian Response Plan COVID-19 Progress Report: Final Progress Report, 22 February 2021 [EN/AR]

COVID-19 AND THE HUMANITARIAN LANDSCAPE 2020 was a year like no other. Amidst on-going humanitarian crises, largely fuelled by conflict and violence but also driven by the effects of climate change – such as the largest locust…
El Salvador
Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria COVID-19 en El Salvador - Versión actualizada a septiembre 2020

1.Antecedentes El 30 de enero de 2020, la OMS declaró que el brote de COVID-19 originado en Wuhan (provincia de Hubei, China) constituía un evento de salud pública de importancia Internacional, sin embargo, es a partir del…
World + 43 more
Global Humanitarian Response Plan COVID-19 Progress Report: Fourth Edition, 17 November 2020

In the eight months since the humanitarian community came together in the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP), the virus has swept across the globe and impacted entire economies and societies. Millions of people have been…
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Cluster-Specific Resources
Useful links
- WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
- IASC: COVID-19 Outbreak Readiness and Response
- United Nations: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- IATA: Coronavirus Outbreak - Update
- IOM: Mobility Restrictions COVID-19
- FTS: COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan
- COVID-19 CBPF and CERF Allocations
- Sphere Standards for COVID-19
- IFRC: Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak
- European Commission: COVID-19 Response
- Asia-Pacific: Health GeoLab Collaborative GIS Resources - Coronavirus Disease 2019