Central Region
Central Region consists Kabul, Logar, Kapisa, Parwan, Panjsher Maydan Wardak. The region is prone to both recurring natural and man-made disasters. This includes protracted conflict that have led to mass displacement of population, with 8,932 people displaced in the region in 2020 alone. Conflict is a significant challenge in the region, especially in Maydan Wardak, Logar, and some districts of Kapisa and Parwan, where some districts are contested and insecure. Similar to other parts of the country, small scale recurrent and predictable hazards can easily convert to a disaster in CR. Decades of conflict have had a severe impact on infrastructure, resilience, and population movement that has led to high levels of vulnerability, weak resilience, dependency.
OCHA leads humanitarian coordination for both natural and conflict-induced disasters. To ensure overall coherency and consistency in humanitarian preparedness and response; OCHA coordinates bimonthly/quarterly Humanitarian Regional Team (HRT) meetings in Kabul and needs based an operational coordination team (OCT) meetings in all six provinces. The HRT and OCTs are made up of humanitarian UN and NGO partners. OCHA also participates in Provincial Disaster Management committee meeting, usually chaired by provincial governor or deputy governor.
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ReliefWeb results
Afghanistan: Humanitarian Operational Presence (3W) - Capital Region (January - March 2022)

Operational Presence: Organizations that are physically present in the district and are delivering a humanitarian service or implementing a humanitarian project during the reporting period. Operational Capacity: Operational capacity refers to the potential ability of an organization…
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ReliefWeb results
Afghanistan Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2025 - Severity, Needs and Planned Reach: Capital Region [EN/Dari/PS]

Please see the attached infographic.
Afghanistan: Humanitarian Operational Presence (3W) - Capital Region (October - December 2024)

Please see the attached infographic.
Shelter Cluster Afghanistan: Capital Region Monthly Snapshot (as of December 2024)

Please see the attached infographic.
Central Region Service Mapping of General Protection Service Providers (January 8, 2025)

Please see the attached infographic.
Shelter Cluster Afghanistan: Capital Region Monthly Snapshot (as of November 2024)

Please see the attached infographic.